Understanding Cough and Natural remedies to relieve cough

Understanding Cough and Natural remedies to relieve cough

Coughing is a natural reflex action performed by our body to clear throat and respiratory airways from mucus, microbes and foreign substances. Cough can also give us a signal about underlying disease also. It is important to understand the type of cough, its causes and prevention to get quick and effective relief from it.


Types of Coughs

Cough can be classified into different categories based on their duration, nature, and cause .

Based on the duration of action cough can be classified as:

  • Acute Cough: Usually last for less than three weeks and are caused by common cold or flu.
  • Chronic Cough: Usually last for more than three weeks and are caused due to conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

Based on the nature of Cough.

  • Wet or Productive Cough: Involves the production of mucus due to bacterial infection, Pneumonia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.
  • Dry or Unproductive Cough: It causes irritation and there is no mucucs production. It may be caused due to environmental allergens, viral infection, or allergy.

Based on the cause of cough.

  • Infectious Cough: Caused due to bacterial, fungal or viral infections.
  • Asthmatic Cough: It is usually associated with asthmatic attack and involves wheezing or breathlessness.
  • Allergic Cough: Caused due to environmental toxins or allergens such as dust, pollen etc.
  • Smoker’s cough: Usually found in long term smokers and involves coughing during morning time.
  • Acid Reflux Cough: It is usually triggered by the reflux of acid from the stomach to irritate throat or larynx and damaging respiratory tract.

Based on the sound of coughing.

  • Whooping Cough: A whoop sound is produced with high breathing.
  • Croup Cough: Found mostly in young children with upper respiratory tract infection, characterized by a barking sound.


Useful Herbs in Managing Cough

Although it’s difficult to protect ourselves from cough and cold, but practicing better hand hygiene, applying face mask, getting vaccinated with influenza vaccine can greatly reduce the chances of getting acute cough.

There are several herbs that have been traditionally used to relieve cough symptoms, throat and respiratory tract irritation and other acute and chronic effects. Some useful herbs that can be used for cough are:

  • Tulsi (Holy Basil): In India Tulsi is regarded as very sacred plant and can be found in many houses. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties in tulsi can help in expelling cough out and relieving respiratory tract.
  • Saunth (Dried Ginger): It is dried form of ginger, beneficial for its expectorant properties, helping to clear the airways.
  • Vasaka: The alkaloid available in vasaka possess bronchodilator activity which helps in easing breathing difficulties.
  • Kantkari (Wild Eggplant): The expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties of kantkari marks its use in traditional remedies for asthma and coughs.
  • Mulethi (Licorice Root): A very popular herb containing saponin glycosides is well known for its soothing and expectorant action.
  • Somlata (Ephedra): Somlata is often used in traditional medicine, allergy, bronchitis and cold.
  • Honey: For centuries honey has been used for its demulcent action which coats the mucus of throat to provide soothing action, which reduces throat and respiratory tract irritation, relieves cough.


Conclusion: A combination of follow up of good hygiene, physical protection with face mask and vaccination can reduce the chances of getting infected for cough and cold. Nature has also provided us with traditional herbs which can be very useful in relieving the cough, clearing airways, helpful in bronchial infections and allergic reactions.

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